Don Bognatz, CPT
Pacific Beach, San Diego, CA

Call or Email to Schedule your Free Consultation Now!

Cell:  410-336-6969       Email:
How we will achieve your fitness goals together -

The Logical, 5 Step Plan for Success:

1.  We will discuss what you want to improve or change.

We will outline your long term goals and the short term goals to get you there.

2.  We will perform a Detailed Fitness Assessment.

This will highlight your strengths and areas for improvement.  We will also
discuss your training experience and present physical condition.  This along
with your goals discussed above, will allow me to design the
Individualized training program for you.

3.  We will Develop a Plan.

We will outline the details about the exercises, the techniques, the frequency,    
volume and intensity we will use to achieve the goals above.

4.  We will Take Action.

I will be there for technical guidance, encouragement and motivation.

5.  We will Re-evaluate on a Regular Basis.

We will note what is working and what isn't.  We will eliminate what isn't
working and replace it with something that does.  
"Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." - A. Einstein
5 Step Plan For Success
Copyright © 2006-2017 Don Bognatz Personal Training · 410-336-6969
Site by Don Bognatz Designs